Agreement To Participate In A Study Following Disclosure Of Information

Some research in the social sciences, especially in psychology, attempts to know human reactions to situations created experimentally. Some types of research can only be carried out if participants do not know in advance the true purpose of the research. For example, some social science research, which critically examines the interior of publicly responsible institutions, could never be conducted without the limited use of partial disclosure. In some research using partial disclosure or deception, participants may be asked to complete a task and be informed of any of the items the researchers are observing. Research that uses deception may include a number of techniques, such as.B providing false information about oneself, events, social conditions, and/or the purpose of the research. For these techniques to be covered by the exemption from the general full disclosure requirement for approval, the search must meet all the requirements of Article 3.7A. Some scholars argue that deception can never be justified and oppose this practice because it (i) violates a person`s right to choose to participate; (ii) constitutes a dubious basis for the establishment of a discipline; and iii leads to distrust of psychology in the community. In order for consent to be “informed”, consent forms may be accompanied by an information sheet for participants, containing information about the proposed study (in secular terms) as well as details about the medical examiners and their contact. .