Unless otherwise stated, you cannot modify the software or create derivative works based on the software. Unless otherwise stated, you cannot modify the content of a hard drive or computer system to allow the use of the test or demo version of the software for an aggregate period, beyond the trial period, for a license for such a test/demonstration version; transmit to third parties the results of the software performance repositories obtained with the test/demonstration version without PremiumSoft`s prior written consent, or use the test/demonstration version of the software for purposes other than the sole purpose of determining whether a license should be purchased for a commercial or academic version; However, if, regardless of the above, you are strictly prohibited from installing or using the test or demonstration version for commercial training purposes. You must not modify, merge, modify, modify, translate or decompile the software, redevelop it, disassemble it or reduce it to an inhuman form. Unless otherwise stated, you cannot rent, lease or sublicensing the software. The limited warranty and non-responsibility and limited liability described above are essential elements of the agreement between you and PremiumSoft. PremiumSoft would not be able to provide the software on an economic basis without these restrictions. This limited warranty and non-responsibility and limited liability in favor of PremiumSoft`s licensees. If you have any questions about the validity of this license, please contact: licensing@navicat.com. If you would like to contact the licensee for another reason, please contact support@navicat.com. Your licensing rights under this ECJ are not exclusive.
For successful applicants: Once an open source Navicat license is approved, applicants will receive a confirmation email with a Navicat logo, and we expect our candidates to confirm our sponsorship on their project website with the logo we have at our disposal. You can get the software on more than one platform, but you can only install or use one platform. You should not use the software to develop an application that has the same main function as the software. If you do not comply with this CLA, PremiumSoft may terminate the license and you must destroy all copies of the software (along with all other rights of both parties and all other provisions of this ECJ that will survive such a termination). This program may contain Oracle Instant Client (OCI). You agree not to use the instant oracle customer for business activity; do not cede, give or transfer to or any interest in Oracle Instant Client. Making the programs available to third parties, in one way or another, for use in the third party`s business; and ownership of transmission programs to the end user or another party; Do not reverse Oracle Instant Client Engineering, Decomplexation or Decompilation and duplicate programs, except for a sufficient number of copies of each program for your conceded use and a copy of each program medium; Stop using and destroying or returning all copies of Oracle Instant Customer and documentation after the contract is terminated; The results of the reference tests conducted on the programs; Fully comply with all applicable U.S. export laws and regulations and other applicable export and import legislation to ensure that neither Oracle Instant Client nor direct product is exported directly or indirectly in violation of applicable legislation; PremiumSoft monitors their instant oracle customer use; Licensees under this agreement must certify that Navicat is only used for educational purposes; under no circumstances can the licence be misused for third-party benefits.