But first you have to take a shower, you`re definitely tired after a day of waiting in the hospital,” Tari said without a break. All night, he was waiting for Bian to come home. But her husband did not come. Of course, what he expected. Bian had to wait for this woman there. “Hmmm,” Bian replied, wiping his mouth with a handkerchief Tari had given him. His head was still dizzying, but his stomach was better. Stunned dance with dilated eyes. He immediately turned his eyes the other way around. . Is it time to let go of your husband and abandon him? Il mbak both authors are also cool ya mbk do his writing 🙂 Salute the same mbk Mia Without saying goodbye, Dance walked to the door.
Outside, he was breathing deeply and trying to eliminate chest tightness. Tears had fallen on her cheeks. He can`t take it anymore. I can`t do anything anymore. “Grip,” Aldi says as he slides down the highway. Please click on my WA yes tea link, later connect to the next distributor😊 “I also have something to tell you. I never told anyone that. I want to share it with you. Bian walked out of the car with a tired face. Last night, he accompanied Sarah to igd`s house until his girlfriend could have a room this morning.
His body is tired. He needs a shower and a break. But today we have to go to work. Is it just permission? Please in his heart. “How about that, is it chilled?” asked Tari, rubbing eucalyptus oil on her husband`s neck. Bian saw that there was a suitcase in the living room….